First Page

 Well .... I completed the first page of my new Dollar Store sketch book .... only 79 more pages to go! Actually, 78. I did do another sketch but I didn't like it that much so I didn't post it. Now if I was an American, as opposed to Canadian, I would probably post it anyway - good or bad.
Are you wondering if I have something against Americans? I don't! This comment comes from a recent article that was written in a Parisian magazine that listed the nations with the best looking people. The U.S. was number one and Canadians were ranked as one of the least good looking! Why? Well it all has to do with confidence, and outgoing personalities. Apparently, according to the editor of the magazine, people who are extroverts and believe they are "wonderful" even if they're not, are perceived to be better looking. So, polite, shrinking violet Canadians are thus perceived to be less confident and therefore less attractive!! Interesting "Eh"?
I have just started to read the book Quiet ;The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. I wonder how her ideas will compare to those of the article? Stay tuned for further thoughts on "introverts" versus "extroverts".


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