Enough Already!

My lovely wind chime covered in ice and the bent ice coated trees in my back yard.

Okay, way before Christmas I had a rant about winter, but since then I have been pretty good about being "upbeat" in my blog posts. Lord knows I could have blogged up a storm (lol) about the weather this winter ...... but I didn't. However, here we are at the end of March enduring two more major storms in one week! Enough already!

I know I have no right to make this comparison, but I feel like I'm living in a country that is under occupation by enemy forces (i.e. the weather)! I've been reading The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society which is a charming and upbeat book that reveals what life was like for the people of the Guernsey Island while they were occupied by the Germans for five years during WWII. Among many of the restrictions that were imposed on their daily life was a strict curfew which confined them to their homes and severely limited their socializing with each other  ...... Just the right thing to demoralize the captives and break their spirit. (I wonder if the weather man is using this strategy?) However, the good people of the Guernsey Island cleverly invented ways to make life more bearable ..... one of them being the "Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society" where a group of people of varied backgrounds come together to share a love of reading, company and food .... kind of like a book club, or "stitch and bitch", or guys hangin out in a garage and drinking beer. As I read this book I can't help but make comparisons to how the weather forces us into confinement and gradually, storm after storm, breaks our spirit. So, in order to head off more "spirit breakage" I need to be like the good people of Guernsey and work harder at fun seeking!

So here's my "Fun Seeking To Do List":
  • Get the H E double hockey sticks out of Dodge when ever you have a chance (unless it's going to the dump to shoot rats)
  • Explore your talents, cooking, writing, painting ..... even talents you have no talent in (nobody has to see your stuff ... or eat it!)
  • Pursue social opportunities and relationships with people you like as well as being on the look out for new friends (especially if they have a place in Florida!)
  • If you can't get out of the house, give someone a call, or an email ..... and make a plan to meet up for coffee or an outing or better yet plan a party ..... having something to look forward to is important and lifts your spirits (oh yes .... and hope the the weather won't cancel those plans)
  • Do some research on your "dream vacation", or the next big ticket item you would love to have. Most of us have Internet access and research is free ... even if you can't afford the trip or the cash for that "family fun Winnebago" you can enjoy the dream and when you win the lotto all you have to do is click on the "add to cart" icon.
  •  Make sure you have everything you need on hand to survive severe weather and a possible power outage ....... flashlights, candles, water, food, and lots of alcohol (for drinking not rubbing!)
Here is my amateur attempt at cinematography for your enjoyment. It's called "View From the Kitchen Window" ..... I think I may have to fire my sound man.

(video may not show up if viewed on a tablet ..... haven't figure that one out yet!)


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