When it comes to art making, I've never been partial to landscapes. I enjoy viewing works of art that feature landscapes, but it's never been my thing! The Group of Seven depicted the ruggedness and colour of the Canadian landscape because they felt connected to it. I've just never felt that way about a "place" ..... until now!
I have finally realized that I am in love with The Bay of Fundy. It was not "love at first sight". It's more like a romance that has developed over the years. After all, I have seen the Swiss Alps, the Himalayas, the Greek Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, and Ha Long Bay in Vietnam .... and they are all really nice. But (in my opinion) they don't compare to the Fundy shore!
For the last 21 years (minus two when I was overseas) I have ventured to Fundy National Park to "hike" with a group of friends. Every fall when we drive through the park and first catch sight of the magnificent visa of the Bay, I feel like I have "arrived" and all is well!
Whether I am in the "Park", Grand Manan, the Fundy Trail, or St. Martins, the feeling is the same. I am in awe of its beauty and bask in the uncrowded beaches and trails that provide a time to reflect and recharge!
The fondness I have with this corner of the world is due, to a great degree, with the yearly trek that I make with friends there and the good times that we have, free from the worries and responsibilities of the home front (if only for a few days). What great therapy it is to stroll along the ocean floor when the tide is out looking for little treasures, or to wander through a wooded trail chatting and catching up with each other's news.
me and Diane on the ocean floor! |
the beach in front of our cabin |
Our cosey cabin perched on a cliff offers us constant ocean views in the day and the sound of waves crashing as we drift off to sleep at night. It is also the scene of laughs, relaxation, tasty treats and, of course, lots of wine!
Our little "cabin on the bay" is not without its "mod cons" like satellite TV and a dish washer. This year we enjoyed watching CBC's "Quietest Concert Ever" featuring Serena Ryder at Herring Cove (one of our favorite places in the park!). Check it out on You Tube (link below).
The Quietest Concert Ever!
Watch the beginning of this video to see more great vistas and enjoy some great music!
okay ... this is beer, but you get the idea! |
Cathy and Diane on the front deck solving world problems! |
Sherry, Cathy, Nancy, me, Wanda, Diane (a few years back) |
Sunglasses, jackets and whale bone! |
Here's to many more Fundy adventures with great company!
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