There's an App for That!

I had my first big day in the garden on April 24th. Did mostly clean up and planted my Johnny Jump Ups in the planter out side my kitchen window. I started a few things from seed indoors and put out a pot of Calendula that I hope will survive and blossom in a few weeks.

Every year I try to remember when things were planted the year before and when various perennials start to bloom. And every year I keep saying that I should record these things in a journal. I could get a book and jot down notes, but it would be really great to be able to put pictures with them. Somehow I couldn't see printing photos and pasting them in a scrapbook. Thus, I went in search of some kind of electronic type of journal so I could easily merge photos and notes.

I shouldn't be surprised, but believe it or not there is actually all kinds of software for gardening journals compete with spread sheets and charts. However, just being a casual gardener, I was looking for something simple where I could just add notes and photos as the season progresses. So, I went shopping at the Google Play Store (free shopping that is) and found a simple but very cool journal app. It's called "Journal" .. how about that? (just type "personal diary or journal" in the search bar)

As you can see, above, the screen shot of my electronic journal shows both pics and notes. I can also create different chapters complete with tabs. When you begin using the app there is a great tutorial and so far it seems to be very user friendly. This can all be saved and printed .... and you can fill more than one journal!

I should wait until I've used this for at least half the gardening season before I give my stamp of approval, but it is just so darn cool I couldn't wait to post about it!


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