Canada Day 150!

It was a dark and stormy night  day! Yes, rain and fog from Ottawa to the east coast but celebrations took place in spite of the inclement weather. We had our own little celebration at our house with funny Canada Day hats, drinks, snacks and a little bit of Canadian trivia. While not quite the affair on Parliament Hill, we did have a bit of fun ...... and learned a few new facts about our own country.

I didn't know that:
  • Pierre Elliot Trudeau, in his early years, was arrested in Palestine as a suspected Israeli spy!
  • John Cabot, who claimed the North Atlantic coast of Canada for Henry VII of England in 1497 was Italian!
  • Canada is the second largest country in the world, but only fourth in terms of land mass due to its large number of fresh water lakes.
  • Our national anthem, O, Canada, did not become official until 1980.
  • Canadians eat more macaroni and cheese than any other country in the world ... who knew?
What I did know was: ..... that the preferred alcoholic beverage of most Canadians is beer (that's a no brainer) and that Canadians often call a sofa, a chesterfield

We played our little game and had a few laughs. The Trivia Geeks of the night are featured below with their Canadiana prizes.

I also learned, while listening to a playlist of hit music by Canadian artists, that Steppenwolf was Canadian! Guess I wasn't paying attention in the 70's .... okay, I know I wasn't paying attention in the 70's!

So that was our little celebration for Canada Day. However, after our company left and hubby went to bed, I stayed up to watch some of the festivities on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on TV. I enjoy seeing all the dignitaries especially if there are a few "Royals" there. The theme of the event came through loud and clear in all performances and speeches ..... that we as Canadians aspire to have a tolerant, welcoming, and peaceful country. ....... Makes me proud to be Canadian!


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