Adapting to the Environment

It's the end of May and my last post was April 6th! I have no excuse ..... "blogger's block" I guess.

In recent weeks I've had a "ladies pamper" weekend, to celebrate a friend's 60th, a road trip to Nova Scotia and spent lots of time outdoors gardening and sprucing things up.

Follow the Sun / or Shade

It's hard to believe it, but we have lived in our house for 18 years. It seems like just yesterday that we were breaking ground on our one acre lot. Over the years things have changed. The trees have gotten bigger (thus more shade) and the deer population has increased (and you know what that means!). Therefore adapt we must!

One of the first things on my agenda was to create a simple sitting area adjacent to our deck. The reason for this is simple. On hot sunny afternoons we tend to migrate, hauling chairs and makeshift tables, from our lower deck to this shady area. Also, during the few times a year that we have enough guests to cause an overflow on the deck, this is the area that we flow to. I didn't want any major construction project (or to spend a fortune!), just a more hospitable place for two people to sit and have a "cool one" or to drag extra chairs once the neighbors hear the pop of a beer can or the clinking of ice!

Fortunately I have a family member with equipment. Our son, Scott, owner and operator of Scott's Excavating came to the rescue. (Scott is a fire fighter who does this kind of work on his days off.) He arrived around nine in the morning and by about 11:30 it was all done .... gravel spread and all! All I had to do was rustle up some BLTs for lunch!

So, here is the finished product. Just what I had in mind. I originally wanted a bench, but I think the chairs are fine .... add a few more and it's party time! Now to get those pots planted with some deer resistant plants!


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