Preparing for Winter
Well .... time to move on! Winter and Christmas are coming. This week I will "redecorate" my planter ... take out the mini pumpkins, remove the oregano and dead plants, and replace them with little evergreen seedlings that I find all over our property. My plan is to add a few decorations or mini lights for the holiday season.
Speaking of seasons, the temperature is telling me that it is definitely time to bundle up, dig out my winter garb and see what I might need to get decked out for the months ahead. Perhaps a new pair of boots to wear with skinny pants or leggings? On a recent outing I noticed that infinity scarves were everywhere! Even on the local evening news they did a piece on the latest trends in the local stores and infinity scarves where right up there. I might just pick one up to "perk up" my old winter coat - to wear while I shop for my new boots!
Check out the little video below for some great scarf tying tricks!
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