Series Piggy
Do you remember the days when you would have to rearrange your Friday night calendar so that you could watch Dallas? (The original one with the Patrick Duffy and Larry Hagman.) Of course you don't, you're too young! Okay, what about making sure you were home every Thursday at 10:00 to catch the latest liaisons on Grey's Anatomy? Those were the days when you had all week to anticipate the events of the next episode. You could live off one show for a whole week! Not any more though.
Now we have Netflix (etc.) While Netflix is a great value and offers lots of great viewing, it has turned me into a series piggy! Once one episode is finished the temptation to watch the next right away is too great and before you know it I've seen it all. The whole thing! Like eating one potato chip and before you know it the whole bag is gone. And then there is the feeling of emptiness. The "let down". What do I do with myself? What do I watch now? And the search begins for a new viewing addiction.
Anyway ..... should you be looking for some new "viewing addictions" here are a few I have enjoyed.
- House of Cards (the one with Kevin Spacey .... haven't seen the British one yet)
- Orange is the New Black (can't wait to see the next season)
- The Hour
- The Way we Live Now (so, so)
- Mr. Selfridge (in progress at this time - so far so good)
If anyone out there in internet land has some recommendations I would love to hear them!
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