We All Need a Good Hair Cut Now and Then!

It's not even July and my Petunias and Pansies are already looking "long in the tooth"! We've had some heavy rain and strong winds so I could blame it on that..... but once again good old YouTube comes to the rescue! Little did I know that all they need is a good trip to the hairdresser (or some serious snipping with the garden shears) to make them look beautiful again. (If I thought it would work for me I'd get my sleeping bag and camp out at the beauty parlor!)

My "leggy" Petunia basket below has already received a good "snip", but I think I may have to be more brutal .....  hate to see it having to endure the humiliation of a bad hair cut though! Check out the video below for some great instructions on how to care for Petunias and the proper method of deadheading. Apparently I've been doing it all wrong all these years!

My pretty Pansies are crying out for a makeover as well. From the video below I learned that all I have to do is snip away the little seed pod (see below) and any wilted looking blossoms.

So..... if some of your posies are looking a little peaked, all they may need is a good hair cut!

Caring for Petunias

How to Keep Pansies Flowering All Season Long

Deadheading Annuals


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