White is the New Black

My "splotchy" canvases are progressing. I am managing to find images in the random paint stains and splotches on my stretched canvases. ..... Can you see them??

White is the New Black

I have recently been redecorating one of my bathrooms. It was in great need of an "up-date". According to the home decor magazines, white is the new black! White and neutrals rule. I love the new light colours, especially shades of grey (not 50 ... only a few!). So ... off to the hardware store I went to purchase a few shades of grey.
After completing all the prep work and turning my self into a contortionist to paint behind the toilet, I was finally finished. However, the new sexy grey that I chose did not work with the cream coloured counter top. How did I miss that! So much for my artistic colour sense. ..... So .... do I get a new counter top? Gut the whole room to match the paint colour? Or ... simply choose a new colour?

Well you guested it, back to the hardware store I go, consciously choosing a different one to avoid running into the same clerk and admitting defeat. Anyway, the deed is done and I repainted the whole the thing. The "up-date" will have to do until some other colour becomes the new black .... or white ..... or turquoise ... or harvest gold .... or dusty rose or .........?


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