Remembering Molly Lamb Bobak

Yesterday morning I was shocked by the report in the newspaper about the death of Molly Lamb Bobak. I suppose I was actually more saddened than shocked. I remember meeting Molly a few times many years ago at an "art function" and she was old then! I guess 95 is a good age to pass away after an amazing life.
Molly was the first woman war artist to travel to Europe to depict scenes of people and life during WW II. I am more familiar with her paintings of life in Canada (specifically the Maritimes). I especially love her crowd scenes and how a strategic swipe of paint captures the essence of a figure.

I believe that I am inspired my revisitation of her work. Perhaps I will try using her technique with some figure drawings/paintings of my own. If I am pleased with my results you will see them soon. If not ...... well you will never know, or see my lame attempts!

Check out the link below of an interview with Molly found on the Gallery 78 website.

Interview With Molly at Gallery 78


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